Guru Rajneesh Rishi

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Ruby Semi Precious Ring

In Astrology the Surya or the Sun represents soul, will power, fame, authority, kingship, highly placed persons, father, vitality and courage.When Sun - Surya Graha is Weak in Horoscope it gives - depressed by termination of service, suspension or difficulties through opponents or diseases etc., then in such difficulties Best Remedies for Surya Graha or Best Remedies for Weak Sun is to wear a Proper Mantra Healed Sun Ring. A Effective Remedy for Surya is Sun Ring, which is an Astrological Manikya Stone Substitute Ring - Ruby Semiprecious Gemstone Ring.

Guru Rajneesh Rishi

Mantra Healed & Energised Astrological Manikya Stone Substitute Ring - Ruby Semiprecious Gemstone Ring helps to treat weak Surya - Sun and to get favor from Superior, officers and Govt. By the use of this Sun Ring enemies are suppressed and malefic effects of Surya is eliminated in your Birth Chart or Horoscope.

We Provide Mantra Healed & Energized Manikya Stone Substitute Ring - Ruby Semiprecious Gemstone Ring / Pendants For Sun Problems (a Substitute to Ruby) Embedded in Panchdhatu (Mixture of 5 Metals), all around the world to Fill your Life with Peace and Prosperity.

This Special Mantra Healed Ruby Substitute Ring is Open at the bottom so that Gemstone could touch your Body when worn. These Rings are first made as per your Special Need and then are Mantra Healed & Worshipped in 3 Days Process by your Name and Gotra by Guruji himself to give you Maximum Positive Results.

Remedies for Sun

Buy Healed Ruby Substitute / Manikya Semi Precious Ring

In India - ₹ 2100/- + 100 Shipping

Outside India - US$ 120 + US$ 30 Shipping Charges

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