Guru Rajneesh Rishi

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Chandra Semi Precious Ring

Moon, the queen among the imperial stars is considered as the most influential planet in Vedic Astrology. This is because Moon controls our emotions, our mental capabilities. Nothing affects us more than our emotions and how we deal with these feelings in our mind. Best Remedies for Moon is to wear a Mantra Healed Astrological Moon Ring which harmonizes Moon - Chandra Graha. The Moon directly influences emotions, mind, wealth, and the public. Effective Remedies for Weak Moon is Wearing a Mantra Healed Astrological Moon Ring which can bring harmony to your life and help in problems related to such issues.

Guru Rajneesh Rishi

Remedy to Strong weak or debilitated moon is the use of Mantra Healed & Energised Astrological Moon Ring which also cures Diseases like Urinary diseases, Lack of Mental Balance, insanity, nervousness, throat troubles, asthma, bronchitis etc. alongwith malefic effects of Moon are eliminated.

We Provide Mantra Healed & Energized Astrological Moon Rings / Pendants For Moon Problems (a Substitute to Pearl) Embedded in Silver, all around the world to Fill your Life with Peace and Prosperity. This Special Mantra Healed Moonstone Ring is Open at the bottom so that Gemstone could touch your Body when worn. These Rings are first made as per your Special Need and then are Mantra Healed & Worshipped in 3 Days Process by your Name and Gotra by Guruji himself to give you Maximum Positive Results.

Remedies for weak Moon

Buy Mantra Healed Moonstone Ring for Moon Problems

In India - ₹ 2100/- + 100 Shipping

Outside India - US$ 120 + US$ 30 Shipping Charges

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